Magazine Covers

Have you ever wanted to be famous enough to be a cover story? Sure, we all do!

Well, I may not own a magazine, but I can make magazine covers. And interiors, for a nominal extra charge.

Makes a great graduation gift, or that little extra bit of pizazz for your office. A surefire conversation piece, provided, of course, that you’re good at bullshitting people.

Or, if your actual company needs an actual brochure or something and you just need someone to make it look professional, I can play it straight as easily as I play it for laughs. This skill can also be applied to posters instead/in addition. So if you’ve got something in mind, it doesn’t cost anything to ask.

How it works:

You get in touch with me, and tell me what sort of picture/image you want coverized (A nice head shot works best) and what sort of magazine you want to be a covergirl for. I’ll work up a rough sketch (because like hell am I doing good work for free) to see if I understand you, and a price (with explanation).

If we come to terms (see below), you pay 40% of the agreed price up front and send a high-resolution photograph of yourself or your gift recipient. I will use that image to create a cover such as those seen above.

When the work is done, I will post the finished work as a password-protected product that only you will have the link for, so nobody else can see it, with the price set at the remaining 60%.

You get: a digital version suitable for posting on your blog or using as a social media profile picture, and a printable version that you can take/send to your favorite print shop for a physical copy at whatever their going rate is. (I do not have printing facilities of my own. You get pictures, not prints, please be clear on this point.)


Frankly, I reserve the right to refuse service for any reason, or no reason at all if I’m having that kind of day. I am also under no obligation to share said reasons or lack thereof. I have a sense of humor and a low opinion of community standards, but there are some lines even I will not cross, if only for legal reasons. I have the right to deny any request that violates my delicate sensibilities. I will also deny any request that openly violates a copyright. (“If you have to ask, the answer is probably no.”) But hey, you’re a swell person who wouldn’t dream of asking for anything like that, right?


Prices start at $30 US for front cover only, with magazine title and cover blurbs provided by you. An additional $10 US ($40 total) gets you one additional interior page, again with all copy and any additional images provided by you. (Any editing necessary for space will be submitted to you for approval.)

Price increases from there on a sliding scale depending on how many interior pages you want and how much additional work I have to do. (Such as coming up with the title, cover blurbs, and interior copy, if any.) The more you can provide, the cheaper it will be.

Now that you know, what are you waiting for? Click here, and let’s see what I can do for you!